Σύντομη Περιγραφή

Emmanouela is a 5-year-old girl who was diagnosed with autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease, shortly after she was born. During the first years of her life, she was daily subjected to peritoneal dialysis, however her condition has now gotten worse, since a few months ago she was diagnosed with end-stage renal failure. Currently, the little girl is being subjected to haemodialysis, while in the foreseeable future she will need to be subjected to a kidney transplant.

Little Emmanouela is suffering from end-stage renal failure and she needs our help!

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  • 8.424,00 

  • 8.942,75 

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Πληροφορίες Εκστρατείας

Emmanouela is 5-year-old girl who has been suffering ever since she came into this world, since she was diagnosed with autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease, a rare genetic disorder, which dramatically affects the kidneys’ function. As soon as she was born, she was transferred to the NICU, where she spent the first months of her life.

During all these years, the little girl is being daily subjected to peritoneal dialysis, while she has been hospitalized numerous times due to acute peritonitis. Her condition has now gotten worse, since she is now diagnosed with end-stage renal failure. Currently, the little girl is being subjected to haemodialysis, while according to the pediatric nephrologists who monitor her health progress, her condition is considered critical, while she will need to be subjected to a kidney transplant in the foreseeable future.

Emmanuela’s parents have never left her side. Her mother had to quit the job in order to take care of her little girl, who is now subjected to dialysis three times a week. However, after all these years, the family has now come to a dead end and they are unable to cope with the cost of their 3 children’s living expenses, as well as the cost of Emmanuela’s ever-increasing, health-related expenses.

Little Emmanouela is going through tough times, since she is feeling worn out by the constant haemodialysis sessions. Let us all support this true fighter’s struggle! Together, we can make it happen!


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 You can help by the following ways:

  • – by entering the campaign’s webpage and making an online deposit using your debit or

credit card (through Viva Wallet, Paypal, Stripe).

  • – by making a deposit to one of the following bank accounts: “ For Emmanouela ”


Piraeus Bank

Account number: 5222091702771

IBAN: GR4101722220005222091702771




National Bank

Account number: 21000630539

IBAN: GR4401102100000021000630539




Alpha Bank

Account number: 701002002030506

IBAN: GR0401407010701002002030506




  • – by making a donation through the DIAS internet banking payment system, using this

campaign’s unique RF88917199000034403440344 payment.

  • – Send a text message to 19825. The message must read: “ For Emmanouela ”. (Charge  2,71€ /SMS)


*the charges include VAT as well as mobile subscriber fee. This number is available for all fixed and mobile telephony providers in Greece..


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